Wee Santa & Stan pose for Christmas Pics

He then worked hard to convince guests that one of the bushes near Little Briar cottage was a stag, created using his topiary "skills". No one knew which end was which. Nevertheless, our guests humoured him one by one, year after year.
Local 007's with license to - you know what? - had to "take care" of him in the end. Shortly after, we received an invitation from one of our comedian friends to "dine on an old friend!" Moving on swiftly .....Fraser has delivered this time. A recognisable stag - - well except that he is in fancy dress for Christmas playing Rudolph reindeer. He looks great and he is slowing the traffic on the A85.
Once again, photogenic "wee santa" gets in on the act. Christmas would not be the same without him. He has been in the Proven family for over 100 years.
We invite you to shoot our stag!
Lochearnhead village hosts a Hogmanay dance in the hall with a live band, raffle, licensed bar and stovies. A great night for £10 per ticket. Some guests come along and others love to immerse themselves in the peaceful surroundings of Briar Cottages on the bonny banks of Loch Earn.
Next month will be a busy month for me including local PR for #IAD2016, Scotland's Year of Architecture Innovation and Design 2016 and I have been asked to perform the "Toast to the Laddies" at the magnificent Monachyle Mhor Hotel, Burns in the Barn event 24th January. Until then, Merry Christmas and slàinte mhath.